Breastfeeding & FRB
Osteopathy is a manual therapeutic method that allows a global approach to the body. Its purpose is to diagnose the lack of mobility of the various structures of the human body which appear in the form of discomfort or pain.
Osteopathy can be a complement to allopathic medicine; it is a preventive and curative method. It helps maintain the right balance of the body in order to reduce the effect of external aggressions such as stress for example, and allows faster recovery following illness or physical exertion.
Osteopathy is based on knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the body. Its goal is to find the cause of the pain, not just the symptom it presents.
The osteopath has his hands as his only tool, and intervenes with precaution, to restore mobility to the joints, ligaments, muscles and organs so that the body can move better. He intervenes following an accident, a trauma or an operation, while doing medical exclusion tests. Referral to a specialist may be recommended following a session performed.
6 Avenue de Château du Loir
92400 Courbevoie
Paris France
Gare Courbevoie
Means of transport available
Parking available 3min from the office
You can find the office opposite the platforms of Courbevoie station, in Villa Bedu, building 2, at the end of the courtyard on the left.