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Restrictives Oral Brakes

Certified on restrictive oral brakes by the Institut Au Sein en Douceur by Dr Caroline de Ville. I am able to accompany you throughout the pre & post frenectomy.

This problem affects everyone (from infants to the elderly).

But what is a restrictive brake?

A tongue frenulum is the result of insufficient involution (regression) of embryological tissue around 12 IUS. It is a fascia, a thin membrane located on the midline of the tongue. If it is smooth and smooth (does not pull more on one side than the other), there will be no problem. On the other hand, if it is asymmetrical, that it is too tight (short) and not very elastic, this can generate restrictions, and subsequently create adaptations. But too much adaptation (muscles among others) can cause sucking difficulties, but not only. Once the birth has passed, (not to mention all the constraints that a baby experiences during birth) he will already have his sucking reflex (implementation in utero). If it is faulty, this can cause difficulties during breastfeeding (cracks, etc.), but also problems with digestion (reflux, colic, nausea), sleep (apnea), an impact on the muscle development of the face (malocclusion) ...

This is why I advise you, after childbirth to have your baby's mouth brakes checked by professionals specifically trained in FRB and to do the exercises that a professional will show you to soften the entire environment of the frenulum (lips , cheeks, tongue) so that before and after frenectomy, can take place in the best conditions and in all serenity. I would like to insist, that you have to have a follow-up over several weeks before and after an intervention, with multidisciplinary management, osteopathy, chiropractic, speech therapy, lactation counselor, ...

Diane Hissung Osteopath





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